Ignitia Integration

Both Odysseyware and Ignitia (LMS) are part of the same company, and thus use the same API framework. For schools using Ignitia, you can actually use the Odysseyware Integration App from the our App Store, to map data and transfer grades. However, it may be confusing to see references to Odysseyware in QuickSchools, if you’re actually using Ignitia.

To help improve the experience, if you install the Odysseyware Integration App, you can now relabel the word “Odysseyware” to “Ignitia” when configuring access for the app:

 Ignitia integration with QuickSchools

Once configured, all the screens within your QuickSchools account will say “Ignitia” instead of “Odysseyware”:

setup the Ignitia integration

We’ll be continuing our efforts to beef up our Online Learning capabilities by improving our offering for integration to external LMS. Do let us know if there’s an LMS you’d like us to integrate to.

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