Alerts / Notifications (Private Beta)

Some good news! QuickSchools has released an early beta version of our Alert Notifications module. We currently support only the following events, but once an alert is enabled, users can decide how to receive alerts. Current list of events:

  • Attendance: Parents can receive notifications when attendance is taken for their students.
  • Discipline: Administrators can receive notification when a new disciplinary incident is created.
  • Homework: Parents can be notified when homework is assigned.
  • Online Payments: Administrators can be notified when an Online Payment is received.

The following section appears at the bottom of the “Settings” > “School Profile” page if you have Alerts enabled on your account:

Enable Alerts for your users in QuickSchools (Private Beta)
Enable Alerts for your users in QuickSchools (Private Beta)

Once an Alert is enabled, users can override any school-wide default preferences, and set their own personal preferences on how to receive notifications. The Preferences are located at the bottom of the “Settings” > “My Profile / Change Password” screen as follows:

Set Notification Preferences under My Profile
Set Notification Preferences under My Profile

Remember that the Alert Notifications is still in private beta. You will need to request access from our technical support team. Further refinements and improvements will be made to this module before it will become fit for all our users.

Some current proposals for improvement:

  • Alerts for other events (in other modules) like for
  • Alerts for custom date fields
  • Alerts for students
  • Consolidated daily alerts in the form of a digest
  • Improved user interface for administrators and users
  • Custom alerts (Alerts that require specific calculations)

Do let us know if you have any further comments or suggestions for improvement.

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