Rotating Attendance Schedule

We’ve got another new QuickSchools feature for you guys – Rotating Attendance Schedule. You can now define 4-day or 10-day (or any number of days) attendance schedules that rotate. Rotations can also take into account holidays and other non-school days (like In-Service or Professional Activity days). To turn it on, you’ll first need to configure the Attendance module on the Features page:

Turning on Rotating Attendance on QuickSchools
Turning on Rotating Attendance on QuickSchools

Note that you’ll also need to turn on “Period-Based Attendance”, and make sure your name is listed as someone who can “configure the periods”. This will turn on the “Attendance Settings” sub-menu under the main “Attendance” menu:

Attendance Settings with Rotating Schedule
Attendance Settings with Rotating Schedule

You’ll need to set the appropriate grade levels to the “Rotating” attendance schedule. When you do that, a “Configure” button will appear next to the grade level. Clicking it will bring up the actual scheduling configuration for attendance:

Configuring the Rotating Attendance Schedule
Configuring the Rotating Attendance Schedule

You can set up different attendance schedules for each grade, but by and large, most likely affected grade levels would be on the same rotating schedule. You’ll need to define the number of days in your rotating schedule, and then label each day so you can easily reference the schedule by day.

Configuring Subjects and the Attendance Calendar
Configuring Subjects and the Attendance Calendar

Finally, you’ll need to configure both the subjects as well as the attendance calendar. Configuring subjects works exactly the same as regular Subject-Based Attendance, and should be fairly straight forward. When configuring the Calendar, you can define school days based on the activated academic term. Just click on a date on the calendar to set a holiday or non-school day.

Once you save, everything should work just like subject-based attendance. Let us know how it works!

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